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Virtual Conferencing Platform

We produce professional medical international Congresses through our state-of-the-art virtual conferencing platforms. Our virtual scientific events provide remote access to the medical community, reaching medical professionals around the world, and offering the scientific community a portal for dissemination, and educational remote initiatives. Gain international global access from any device and platforms to meet the demands of both doctors and supporters with live and on-demand video presentations. 

Our Virtual Events:
Our Oncology Virtual Series:
Lung Cancer
Head and Neck Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Cervical & Uterine Cancer
Breast Cancer
Testicular Cancer
Kidney & Ureter Cancer
Leukemia Limphoma Cancer
Skin Cancer - Melanoma
Pancreatic & Biliary Cancer
Bladder Cancer

© 2023 by Lacort Medical. All rights reserved

UK company registered in England and Wales under number 11174671

The content on this website is intended for Healthcare Professionals only

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